Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA) assumed responsibility for the Used Oil Program in October 2018 after the dissolution of the Alberta Used Oil Management Association (AUOMA). At the time the program was facing significant sustainability challenges. Since then, ARMA has been working diligently with collection sites, recyclers, and Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (EPA) on solutions to the ongoing challenges of the Used Oil Program.

“With input from key stakeholders, it was clear that an adjustment to the environmental fees was a priority to support the sustainability of the collection, transportation, and processing network for the industry. These environmental fees have not been updated since 2011.” said Ed Gugenheimer, CEO.

The new fees will take effect October 1, 2023, and will align Alberta’s fees with those currently being charged by other jurisdictions across Canada. The adjustment will allow the program to provide increased support to the recycling activities of registered processors, municipal collection sites, and Indigenous communities.

The upcoming environmental fee changes outlined in the Used Oil Recycling Bylaw are as follows:

Existing Eco Fee Rates until September 30, 2023

I. For lubricating oil, $0.05 per litre or per kilogram;
II. For lubricating oil containers, $0.05 per litre of container size; and
III. For filters, $0.50 for a filter less than 203 mm in length and $1.00 for a filter 203 mm or more in length.

New Eco Fee Rates starting October 1, 2023

I. For lubricating oil, $0.06 per litre or per kilogram;

II. For lubricating oil containers, $0.12 per litre of container size for containers made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or metal materials and $0.20 per litre of container size for containers made of non-HDPE or non-metal materials; and

III. For filters, $0.55 for a filter less than 203 mm in length and $1.25 for a filter 203 mm or more in length.

For more information on Alberta’s Used Oil & Materials recycling program visit