EHC OneWindow Update
The Environmental Handling Charge (EHC) OneWindow service was developed and launched in January 2020. Its purpose is to facilitate the remittance, reporting and management of EHCs. It responds to the #1 priority that was identified in the member survey [...]
Changes to Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) Categories (effective Jan 1, 2022)
The BC Used Oil Management Association, Saskatchewan Association for Resource Recovery Corp., Manitoba Association for Resource Recovery Corp., La Société de Gestion des Huiles Usageés in QC and the Atlantic Used Oil Management Association (NB, PEI, NFLD and Labrador, NS) [...]
UOMAs Look to Expand Original Equipment Manufacturer Definitions
The UOMAs would like to provide an update on the national project to identify and register original equipment manufacturers (OEM) in the appropriate used oil materials recycling program/s. To review the background on this project, on April 1, 2014 limited [...]
Compliance and Audit Process
Compliance Reviews or audits are conducted on a 3 to 4 year rotation with all Members of the Used Oil Associations across Canada. The contractual document under primary review is the Membership Agreement signed by all Members. Although Alberta’s used [...]
EHC OneWindow Update
The EHC OneWindow program was developed through a massive collaborative effort by the UOMAs in response to our members request for a single, Canada-wide EHC reporting system. A key focus throughout the development process has been cost efficiency which has [...]
Member Reporting and Payment during the COVID-19 period
April 17, 2020 Dear Member, Across Canada, we understand that recent events have caused disruptions to many businesses and may impact accounting, reporting, and administrative capacity across the supply chain. To date, waste management activities have been considered essential services [...]
UOMA Atlantic welcomes Newfoundland & Labrador and Nova Scotia
Recycling Used Oil/Glycol (antifreeze) products just got easier It’s official! The province of Newfoundland and Labrador is recycling used oil/glycol products! That’s good news for residents, businesses and industries in the province - and great news for the environment. Over [...]
Used oil and antifreeze products collection rates: national results by Association – 2018
Scroll horizontally to view all associations.
Adding new life to used oil & antifreeze recycling
Successful recycling programs reach people where they live. And our provincial used oil management associations achieve this by building on local initiatives coupled with national co-operation and coordination. While each provincial program may vary in activities, the focus is [...]
New web-based Environmental Handling Charge Reporting System available in early 2020
In the fall of 2016, the National Used Oil Material and Antifreeze Advisory Council (NUOMAAC) members were surveyed to determine their satisfaction with the provincial Used Oil Management Associations (collectively the UOMA) as service providers. The results provided us with [...]