

Collection Facilities

Year-round collection facilities, easily accessible, are the cornerstone of Canada’s used oil and antifreeze materials program. However, there are challenges. It’s a messy business, and a location has to be equipped to properly manage these potentially hazardous materials. British Columbia, [...]

June 23, 2017|Newsletter Articles|

Materials Recycled

Keep on Recycling! It’s a year of celebration for Canadians. And our country has much for which we can be proud. Coast to coast to coast! Working for a cleaner environment is one area where Canadians excel. This includes [...]

June 23, 2017|Newsletter Articles|

Current Economical Realities in Recycling

The downturn in the economy affects all business sectors including recycling. Currently our industry is confronted by low commodity prices. But we can’t stop recovering potentially hazardous materials because of the downturn. To meet the challenge and encourage continued recycling, [...]

July 13, 2016|Newsletter Articles|

Recycling in Canada’s remote northern communities

Transportation is always the big challenge for Canada’s northern communities. Reliance on winter roads when the water routes are filled with ice offers a limited and expensive means of shipping goods and materials in and out of these remote Canadian [...]

January 29, 2016|Newsletter Articles|
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