

Alberta adjusts environmental fees on Oil Materials

Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA) assumed responsibility for the Used Oil Program in October 2018 after the dissolution of the Alberta Used Oil Management Association (AUOMA). At the time the program was facing significant sustainability challenges. Since then, ARMA [...]

September 18, 2023|News|

Extended producer responsibility (EPR) in the Yukon

The Yukon Government is intending to regulate Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for automotive wastes, such as oil, filters, antifreeze and automotive containers. Yukon is proposing to implement a suite of EPR programs by 2025 under Our Clean Future, [...]

December 22, 2022|News|

What is EHC on used oil and antifreeze materials?

An Environmental Handling Charge (EHC) is a fee charged to producers of automotive products by the Used Oil Management Associations of Canada. The EHC is not a government tax, but instead considered part of the product price and [...]

December 21, 2022|News|

UOMA’s Role in The Circular Economy

October is Circular Economy Month in Canada, and it provides a great opportunity for us to share information that supports our members' corporate objectives in the areas of sustainability and environmental practices. Collection is the UOMAs primary [...]

October 20, 2022|News|

Alberta Consultations on Additional Containers and Fees

Alberta and BC are leading a UOMA initiative to expand the types of containers managed through their respective provincial programs to include additional automotive containers such as DEF, windshield washer, automotive additives, aerosols, and drums. Between September and March [...]

June 2, 2022|Newsletter Articles|
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