Ambassadors Across the Country Educate Residents About Used Oil Recycling Programs
After the pandemic put community events on hold, Interchange Recycling in British Columbia and the Manitoba Association for Resource Recovery Corp. (MARRC) were excited to bring back their Ambassador Tours in 2023. MARRC’s tour focused on engaging with visitors [...]
Alberta adjusts environmental fees on Oil Materials
Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA) assumed responsibility for the Used Oil Program in October 2018 after the dissolution of the Alberta Used Oil Management Association (AUOMA). At the time the program was facing significant sustainability challenges. Since then, ARMA [...]
BC Used Oil Management Association rebrands to Interchange Recycling
As part of their 20th Anniversary celebration, the BC Used Oil Management Association recently announced a rebrand to Interchange Recycling. “After 20 years, we have changed our organization’s name to Interchange Recycling as it better reflects our [...]
BCUOMA Collaboration with BC Indigenous Communities – A Short Video Story
Remote communities face big challenges when it comes to environmental protection and accessing public services such as recycling. With the support of Comox Valley Regional District, Ehattesaht First Nation received a grant from the BC Used Oil Management Association [...]
Extended producer responsibility (EPR) in the Yukon
The Yukon Government is intending to regulate Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for automotive wastes, such as oil, filters, antifreeze and automotive containers. Yukon is proposing to implement a suite of EPR programs by 2025 under Our Clean Future, [...]
What is EHC on used oil and antifreeze materials?
An Environmental Handling Charge (EHC) is a fee charged to producers of automotive products by the Used Oil Management Associations of Canada. The EHC is not a government tax, but instead considered part of the product price and [...]
UOMA’s Role in The Circular Economy
October is Circular Economy Month in Canada, and it provides a great opportunity for us to share information that supports our members' corporate objectives in the areas of sustainability and environmental practices. Collection is the UOMAs primary [...]
2021 Used Oil Recovery Scorecard: 233.7 Million Litres Collected
There is a great deal of success to be had in used oil recovery in Canada when everyone works together. Each year, the UOMAs recover approximately 225 million litres of used oil. This is a testament to [...]
Member Survey Responses Help Guide Association Priorities
Thank you to everyone who completed the Member Survey sent out in February. The results of this survey provide important member insights for the UOMAs as a collaborative entity as well as for each individual province. Our last member [...]
Alberta Consultations on Additional Containers and Fees
Alberta and BC are leading a UOMA initiative to expand the types of containers managed through their respective provincial programs to include additional automotive containers such as DEF, windshield washer, automotive additives, aerosols, and drums. Between September and March [...]